Sunday, November 5, 2017

Air traffic Tapes 'ACTIVE SHOOTERS ON RUNWAY' during Las Vegas shooting!

Here's a twist.  Las Vegas shooters on the runway?  I am throwing it out there because I cannot tell if the video has been edited or not.  Alright

10-29-2017 - Proverbs 3 - You Don't Need Training Wheels, You Need Christ!

ahh, the shooting in that church reminded me of how fragile life is and of my little church. May the Lord be with all the victims, families and the town

10-29-2017 - Proverbs 3 - You Don't Need Training Wheels, You Need Christ!

ahh, the shooting in that church reminded me of how fragile life is and of my little church. May the Lord be with all the victims, families and the town

Saturday, August 26, 2017

CNBC The Age of Walmart

I've banned Walmart for 20 years.  You should too.  One by one we can hit the pocketbook.  This place is crazy, all you have to do is watch the first 5 minutes

Wednesday, June 14, 2017


This is sick.  Please call #CNN and #NYT for their sponsorship of this play.  Delta airlines canceled sponsorship.  Demand white house removes CNN's and NYT press credentials.  4048271500 CNN number.  share and call.  This is disgusting.  A major news agency should not be doing this.

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Aleppo Boy’s father supports Assad, slams US propaganda

Mainstream used this boy for propaganda...remember the ambulance boy?  Here is the fathers testimony.  Again, using events and slanting them for political purposes

PUTIN TO EUROPE "You Let a Migrant Go After Raping 13 Year Old Child"

Sharia Law in America? 10 June 2017

Sharia Law protests today in America.  NBC offers its viewers biased and fake news for the enjoyment of the people to read, chew and believe.

Anti-Sharia protest are not against immigration but against Sharia law

The Anti-Sharia law in America protest is not against immigration it is as the protest title says: Against accommodating Sharia Law in America.  The anti-protest protests are misrepresenting the reality of the anti sharia law protest, thus they are pro Sharia law.  Slanted news equals slanted views

Friday, June 9, 2017

What They Admitted on the News in 1971...Vaccines

Back in the days, news admitted that vaccines were ineffective and possible dangerous and some caused cancer in animals.  This was in 1971.  Today they just ignore is, stop the research, don't release the information for any research, or pharma itself conducts the research.

This is how things work folks.  Look at the ingredients in your vaccines.  Then research the ingredients.

Be careful of what your children are eating

Trisodium phosphate in your children's cereal.  Made complementary by General Mills.  If you sprinkled some of this on your children's cereal, you would go to prison.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Angry Mother Exposes Dead Daughter's Pic Being Used In Manchester Event

This is really interesting.  Someone who was murdered 4 years ago is pictured as one of the people who was killed in England this last week.  Below this video are links to the news agencies who posted images of the mother's daughter and articles about this.

I know that it is difficult to say one way or another, but this seems suspicious. I do not like to think that this type of fake news is actually going on and that there are other things behind closed doors.  But I have found other articles with other terrorist events, and parents speaking out on the same issue, I have also seen where there has been the same victim for two different terrorist events.

I know that when I was photojournalist in Israel, I observed CNN setting up news that occurred but they exaggerated and twisted the events.  I also know that the Russian mafia did some of the Tel Aviv bombings at bars, but Israel reported it as a Palestinian suicide bomber.  These events I witnessed.

So, to take the story a bit deeper, I would not put it past the governments at be, to do something like this as well.  Although, I really would hate the aspect that I even need to consider this as real and true. It is almost too much for my brain.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Anonymous - The world we currently live in... (2017-2018)

Wow.  There is a ton in this that I was not aware of.  I had already taped all my electronic gadget camera's and cut up old ear phones to plug in the ear phone socket.  I had no idea that in India they are in the process of scanning every single citizen.  I don't know if I like this.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

SCRIPT - Top 10 Staged Media Events!

This one is good!

Think about what is going on now...Syria, Russia, ISIS (who we invented)

SHOCKING - Pilots, Doctors and Scientists Tell the Truth About Chemtrails

my condensation trail on a cold day from my breath continues to exist for 2 miles when I am taking a hike!  really!