I am not into conspiracy theories. From day one when I saw the fall of the towers on the television from Jerusalem, my first thought was a controlled demolition. Of course, I had/have no idea who did this, but the reality is reality. And why should reality be denied? Who would NOT want to know who/what/and why?
In life when there are problems, are we not taught to find the truth to solve the problems so it will not happen again? There are many videos that have been coming out over the time and this one is very clear, professional using experts on demolitions and the destruction of buildings. They explain realities very well.
What alerted me to the fact that something was very wrong was the lack of transparency from our own government. It was the faulty way that they investigated the collapse and the lack of experts that they decided to conduct the research. Key insiders had a high level of conflict of interest. President decided to limit the funding, and access to the research. It was the fact that all airspace in the United States was closed except for the few who were allowed to leave the country.
Behind closed doors, no oath, no recorders were allowed, and everything was submitted to security personnel. The issue was not discussed. The air defense was disabled due to exercises of war games while drone planes were flying around the country.
After this tragedy, the world has not been the same and has gotten worse. Trillions of dollars has been spent on unjust wars based on lies...even the lies that were admitted, that there was not any mass weapons of destructions.
Remember the propaganda that was repeated on the news and around the world, war on terror, weapons of mass destructions, and repeated runs of the buildings falling down. The news who were on the ground, reported from the field mentioning we do not see any evidence of planes, but some sort of explosion at the Pentagon building. "Another explosion, a secondary explosion from the building"
All these reports were removed from the news and from our viewing.
I ask, when will the American people stand up and demand war crime investigations on President Bush and Dick Cheney? Is the global leadership already in power, it is not a nation that is going..but a nation that is already there.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/e-wXcJA-et0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Friday, December 7, 2012
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Obama Letter: Aid to Israel Should Comply with the Law
reposted: Jewish Voice for Peace
“My family in Israel has bomb shelters. They are, actually, safe. In Gaza, there is no such thing as “safe.” Please, ask your friends to join me in asking President Obama to make aid to Israel contingent on not using it to target civilians.”
I wear many hats. I’m a dad, a videographer, a Jewish Israeli, a veteran. But I’m telling you my story, and asking you to forward this email and ask your friends to sign this letter to President Obama about US military aid to Israel, as a human being, as a citizen of the world, and as someone who deeply cares about the people in Israel and Gaza.My wife, kids and I live just on the outskirts of Tel Aviv, Israel, where life during the past weeks for the most part carried on as normal. There were four sirens in the eight days of the Israeli operation, which means we had to move into a room in the house that has reinforced concrete walls. In our case, we went down to our apartment building’s bomb shelter for 10 minutes—as far as I know every apartment building in Israel has one. Fortunately, the kids took it well and were not scared.In the south close to the border with Gaza where I’ve been working, life is much, much different. People who could do so temporarily moved northward and stayed with family and friends out of rocket and mortar range.Being outdoors when the siren goes off in the south is quite scary. Most rockets are relatively small, up to 12 pounds of explosives, and cannot bring down a building. But in the open space they splatter lots of metal fragments.The bigger long distance rockets that were fired at lower intervals were the "Fajar" Rockets that carry 90 lbs of explosives. They cannot bring down a building but can destroy an apartment and killed 3 people in an apartment building. People in bomb shelters are considered to be safe.And of course, the Iron Dome defense system reportedly destroyed 85% of rockets headed towards Israeli populated areas.Still, in the south, the sirens went off many times a day and there was no school and no work because parents naturally wanted to be near their kids.In contrast, in Gaza, the bombs dropped by the Israeli military ranged from 500 to 1,000 pounds, and in the past, also 2,000 pounds. Ten or 20 times more powerful than those which they have sent our way.When I’d go to our bomb shelter with my family, I would think of families like mine in Gaza. They had no sirens, no Iron Dome defense, no shelters, and because they are essentially trapped, nowhere to go.But mostly, I thought about how terrified I'd be during the bombings.There is no safe place to go in Gaza.It wouldn’t matter if buildings had shelters since the Israeli bombs often flatten the building they hit. There's literally nothing left. I want you to ask your friends to sign this letter to President Obama asking him to make aid to Israel contingent on not using it to target civilians because there is no military solution. Not for Palestinians. Not for us Israelis.To reach a true peace for all of us, Israeli and Palestinian, our governments must choose diplomacy over more bombing. The Israeli government must end its terrible siege of the Palestinians.And the US must stop sending my government weapons they know will be used to violate the law and harm civilians.I am happy we've reached a cease-fire and I hope this will lead to negotiations with the Hamas government. I remind myself that the British in pre-state Israel also considered the Israeli political groups terrorist entities.With hopes for a fair and lasting peace for both of our peoples,
Dear President Obama,
We are Americans from small towns and big cities, and we are Palestinians and Israelis a world away. We are the women, men, and children who are suffering every single day in Gaza, the West Bank and Israel, and we are the people from across the world who seek to end that suffering. We are mothers of soldiers and children of refuseniks. We are Jews and Muslims, Christians and atheists, and people of the many other traditions of the world.
And we are all united by our determination to see a truly just peace take root in Israel and Palestine. That goal became even more elusive during your first term, but the American voters have just given you a second chance to make history.
Our request is simple.
Fifteen church leaders have bravely spoken out in a letter to Congress--stating a principle that should be obvious: Israel, the biggest long-term recipient of US aid, should not be above the law. Mr. President, please condition US aid to Israel on compliance with US and international law. It must not be used to violate the rights of Palestinians.
Anything less is a danger to Palestinians, to Israelis, to Americans and to the entire world.
“My family in Israel has bomb shelters. They are, actually, safe. In Gaza, there is no such thing as “safe.” Please, ask your friends to join me in asking President Obama to make aid to Israel contingent on not using it to target civilians.”
I wear many hats. I’m a dad, a videographer, a Jewish Israeli, a veteran. But I’m telling you my story, and asking you to forward this email and ask your friends to sign this letter to President Obama about US military aid to Israel, as a human being, as a citizen of the world, and as someone who deeply cares about the people in Israel and Gaza.My wife, kids and I live just on the outskirts of Tel Aviv, Israel, where life during the past weeks for the most part carried on as normal. There were four sirens in the eight days of the Israeli operation, which means we had to move into a room in the house that has reinforced concrete walls. In our case, we went down to our apartment building’s bomb shelter for 10 minutes—as far as I know every apartment building in Israel has one. Fortunately, the kids took it well and were not scared.In the south close to the border with Gaza where I’ve been working, life is much, much different. People who could do so temporarily moved northward and stayed with family and friends out of rocket and mortar range.Being outdoors when the siren goes off in the south is quite scary. Most rockets are relatively small, up to 12 pounds of explosives, and cannot bring down a building. But in the open space they splatter lots of metal fragments.The bigger long distance rockets that were fired at lower intervals were the "Fajar" Rockets that carry 90 lbs of explosives. They cannot bring down a building but can destroy an apartment and killed 3 people in an apartment building. People in bomb shelters are considered to be safe.And of course, the Iron Dome defense system reportedly destroyed 85% of rockets headed towards Israeli populated areas.Still, in the south, the sirens went off many times a day and there was no school and no work because parents naturally wanted to be near their kids.In contrast, in Gaza, the bombs dropped by the Israeli military ranged from 500 to 1,000 pounds, and in the past, also 2,000 pounds. Ten or 20 times more powerful than those which they have sent our way.When I’d go to our bomb shelter with my family, I would think of families like mine in Gaza. They had no sirens, no Iron Dome defense, no shelters, and because they are essentially trapped, nowhere to go.But mostly, I thought about how terrified I'd be during the bombings.There is no safe place to go in Gaza.It wouldn’t matter if buildings had shelters since the Israeli bombs often flatten the building they hit. There's literally nothing left. I want you to ask your friends to sign this letter to President Obama asking him to make aid to Israel contingent on not using it to target civilians because there is no military solution. Not for Palestinians. Not for us Israelis.To reach a true peace for all of us, Israeli and Palestinian, our governments must choose diplomacy over more bombing. The Israeli government must end its terrible siege of the Palestinians.And the US must stop sending my government weapons they know will be used to violate the law and harm civilians.I am happy we've reached a cease-fire and I hope this will lead to negotiations with the Hamas government. I remind myself that the British in pre-state Israel also considered the Israeli political groups terrorist entities.With hopes for a fair and lasting peace for both of our peoples,
Dear President Obama,
We are Americans from small towns and big cities, and we are Palestinians and Israelis a world away. We are the women, men, and children who are suffering every single day in Gaza, the West Bank and Israel, and we are the people from across the world who seek to end that suffering. We are mothers of soldiers and children of refuseniks. We are Jews and Muslims, Christians and atheists, and people of the many other traditions of the world.
And we are all united by our determination to see a truly just peace take root in Israel and Palestine. That goal became even more elusive during your first term, but the American voters have just given you a second chance to make history.
Our request is simple.
Fifteen church leaders have bravely spoken out in a letter to Congress--stating a principle that should be obvious: Israel, the biggest long-term recipient of US aid, should not be above the law. Mr. President, please condition US aid to Israel on compliance with US and international law. It must not be used to violate the rights of Palestinians.
Anything less is a danger to Palestinians, to Israelis, to Americans and to the entire world.
Friday, November 16, 2012
Jewish Voice For Peace: Request to Organize Demonstrations Gaza Attack
16 November 2012
Jewish Voice for Peace requests protests to be organized around the world. You can start your own in your area, or find others to join. It is time to stop this mess and take action.
To find locations click here
To Start Your Own
Search the Stop the Bombs, Stop the Siege, Stop Payment events already scheduled to take place around the country in the coming days as Israel continues its military assault on Gaza. If you don't see a protest listed in your area, consider organizing your own by clicking the link! We'll provide you with resources for your demonstration that you can easily download and print, as well as connecting you with any others in your area who are also interested in attending and organizing a demonstration. Together we will say: Stop the Bombs. Stop the Siege. Stop Payment on the Israeli Military’s Blank Check!
Jewish Voice for Peace requests protests to be organized around the world. You can start your own in your area, or find others to join. It is time to stop this mess and take action.
To find locations click here
To Start Your Own
Search the Stop the Bombs, Stop the Siege, Stop Payment events already scheduled to take place around the country in the coming days as Israel continues its military assault on Gaza. If you don't see a protest listed in your area, consider organizing your own by clicking the link! We'll provide you with resources for your demonstration that you can easily download and print, as well as connecting you with any others in your area who are also interested in attending and organizing a demonstration. Together we will say: Stop the Bombs. Stop the Siege. Stop Payment on the Israeli Military’s Blank Check!
Behind the Scenes: Operation Defense Pillar
16 November 2012
News Excerpts:
Blog Smithsonian
The Israelis began their raids of Gaza on Thursday. Gaza responded with strikes of their own, and today Israel called up 16,000 army reservists to fight. In Gaza, a man suspected of collaborating with Israel was executed:
The brazen nature of the execution suggested that Hamas, which governs Gaza, intended it as a blunt message to other possible collaborators with Israel, which is believed to have an extensive network of informants here as part of its underlying battle with the group. But the shooting evoked mixed feelings.“There were kids and children on the street,” said the witness, Mr. Mohammed. “They should have executed him in a far place.”
Air raid sirens are going off in both Tel Aviv and Jerusalem – and the people on both sides are trying to keep from becoming casualties of the conflict.
Online, the IDF has been keeping the world appraised of their thoughts and tactics via social media in a way no one has ever done before. Motherboard writes:
Lifestyle journos live-blogging an awards ceremony, sure. Politicos pushing a social media campaign to during a debate, yeah. But a major military live-tweeting its war effort? Is that where we are now?Apparently:“The verified social media accounts of the Israeli Defense Forces are providing live updates on a concerted military effort against Hamas. Using the hashtag #PillarOfDefense, the verified Twitter account @IDFSpokesperson is posting ominous messages, headline-style updates, and YouTube videos of strikes.”ReadWrite calls it “brilliant, in its way.” Yes, it’s “brilliant” in the way that the most effective war propaganda tends to be—colorful, uber-patriotic, Manichean, assertive—just more powerful, since they’re controlling the wartime PR channels and shaping public perception with a series of live updates.
And it was working extraordinarily well. The ten second clip of the IDF taking out Ahmed Jabri has been viewed over 2 million times. Of course, Gaza retaliated online as well. Slate writes:
While @IDFspokesperson’s Twitter followers may have grown exponentially, it hasn’t had the same success in hashtags. Israel’s hashtag, #Pillarofdefense, received 808 mentions by Wednesday evening, while #GazaUnderAttack—used by Hamas, Palestinian supporters, and civilians—was tweeted 120,000 times, reported the Washington Post.But then @IDFspokesperson and @AlqassamBrigade began trading insults over Twitter, while deploying missiles at each other. The chest-thumping reminded me of the competitive e-sports. This is real life, though, with real people dying. In fact, as the BBC noted, making threats of violence is actuallyagainst Twitter’s terms of service, meaning it is within Twitter’s right to shut down both accounts if it feels so inclined.
The Guardian
If you click here, you can listen to the Israeli attacks on Gaza. You can hear explosions, drones and ambulances. This is the soundtrack of the lives of Palestinians there now. They're recording it and transmitting it, and their friends all over the world – particularly the Arab world – are listening to it live.
We are also reading the tweets and blogs the young Gazans are putting out, and taking a good look at the images they're posting – like the one of Ranan Arafat, before and after. Before, she's a pretty little girl with green eyes, a green halter-neck top and green ribbons in her hair. After the Israeli bomb, she's a charred and shrunken figure. Her mouth is open. A medic lifts – for just a moment – her blue hospital shroud.
In that hospital, Shifa in Gaza City, we watched the Egyptian prime minister, Hisham Kandil, this morning. For the first time in 42 years an Egyptian prime minister was where we Egyptians wanted him to be. For the first time a government official was telling the truth when he said he spoke for the Egyptian people. And he was spot on when he referred to the Egyptian people first, before the Egyptian president.
Since he won the presidency, Mohamed Morsi has tried to be a pragmatic politician. He pressed on with "security co-ordination" with Israel in Sinai; he started sealing up the tunnels that provide a lifeline to the besieged Gazans; he rejected the proposal of a free trade area on the borders between Egypt and Gaza; and he sent an ambassador to Tel Aviv with a fulsome letter to Shimon Peres. And so he found himself uncomfortably cosied up with remnants of the Mubarak regime and aficionados of the military government.
From Gaza
Update of the Biblical war of Israel against occupied Gaza Strip Photo from the Web... London, (Pal Telegraph) – An Israeli full-scale war was launched yesterday against Palestinian civilians in Gaza. The war was announced by Israel to be as a military operation that took a biblical name “Pillar of the Clouds”. So far, 15 Palestinians killed whom of which 8 civilians including 5 children, three women and an old man. Israeli army launched a number of 160 air raids from Air, Ground and Naval forces. Palestinian armed factions retaliated to heavy Israeli attacks which also left 100 Palestinians physically wounded. A status of fear and panic spread across Gaza where children are caught in Trauma. Dozens of Palestinian children were brought to hospitals in north and south Gaza. Palestine Telegraph reporter in Gaza confirmed that food supplies became scarce in Gaza. People are in fear that a ground invasion is due. Rania, 22, said "We are in fear of Israeli bombing. My cousin was killed as he tried to go out to buy bread. Gaza seems like ghost town."
Operation Defense Pillar
16 November 2012
The name chosen for the new war in Gaza is "operation Cloud Pillar". A far more appropriate name would have been "Operation Short Memory" Said former Knesset member Uri Avnery, Gush Shalom activist. "Prime Minister Netanyahu is counting on the public's short memory. Netanyahu counts upon people forgetting that dozens and even hundreds of "liquidations" had been carried out and they did not solve any problem - always there was somebody replacing those who were killed, and more than once the new one was more capable and more radical. Netanyahu counts on people not remembering that four years ago Israel went to war in Gaza, killing 1300 civilians in three weeks – which otherwise did not make any significant change in the situation. Netanyahu counts on people failing to remember that just yesterday morning the media reported on people in the communities of the South heaving a sigh of relief at the complete cessation of missiles from Gaza. .
"Binyamin Netanyahu and Ehud Barak have taken the decision - for the second time in a row the State of Israel will conduct general elections under the shadow of war in the Gaza Strip. The cease-fire which already started to stabilize had been broken and shattered to pieces. The inhabitants of te communities of southern Israel, who just started to breathe freely, are sent right back to air raid alarms and the running to shelters.
The name chosen for the new war in Gaza is "operation Cloud Pillar". A far more appropriate name would have been "Operation Short Memory" Said former Knesset member Uri Avnery, Gush Shalom activist. "Prime Minister Netanyahu is counting on the public's short memory. Netanyahu counts upon people forgetting that dozens and even hundreds of "liquidations" had been carried out and they did not solve any problem - always there was somebody replacing those who were killed, and more than once the new one was more capable and more radical. Netanyahu counts on people not remembering that four years ago Israel went to war in Gaza, killing 1300 civilians in three weeks – which otherwise did not make any significant change in the situation. Netanyahu counts on people failing to remember that just yesterday morning the media reported on people in the communities of the South heaving a sigh of relief at the complete cessation of missiles from Gaza. .
"Binyamin Netanyahu and Ehud Barak have taken the decision - for the second time in a row the State of Israel will conduct general elections under the shadow of war in the Gaza Strip. The cease-fire which already started to stabilize had been broken and shattered to pieces. The inhabitants of te communities of southern Israel, who just started to breathe freely, are sent right back to air raid alarms and the running to shelters.
At the price of great suffering on both sides of the border, the government's aim had been accomplished: the social issues, which threatened to assume prominence in these elections, have been pushed aside and removed from the agenda of the elections campaign. Forgotten, too, is the brave attempt of Mahmud Abbas to address the Israeli public opinion. In the coming weeks, the headlines will be filled with constant war and death, destruction and bloodshed. When it ends at last, it will be revealed that no goal has been achieved and that the problems remain the same, or perhaps exacerbated. "
Adam Keller - Gush Shalom
Spontaneous Protest in Tel Aviv Against War: Video
16 November 2012
This Video is in Hebrew but you get the Idea, many Israelis are angry about the bombardment on Gaza: This is a protest in front of the Defense Minister of Israel.
This Video is in Hebrew but you get the Idea, many Israelis are angry about the bombardment on Gaza: This is a protest in front of the Defense Minister of Israel.
Bombs Rain Down on Gaza: PETITION
16 November 2012
Amici and friends, Please sign the petitions listed here and below copy and paste the message to put into European Ministers Facebook Pages to help save lives and keep pushing the world to make Israel put a stop to their slaughter. Please read and follow the steps
Si prega di firmare le petizioni elencate qui di seguito e di copiare e incollare il messaggio di mettere in Ministri europei pagine di Facebook per contribuire a salvare vite umane e continuare a spingere il mondo a fare di Israele di porre fine alla loro macellazione. Si prega di leggere e seguire le istruzioni
1) Firma La Petizione: Avaaz
Sign This Petition: Avaaz (In Italian, but it is translated below in English for you!)
(Italiani sotto l'inglese)
While bombs rain down on Gaza Palestinians and Israelis are sul'orlo of another cycle of violence and revenge. But, right now, the Palestinian Authority is to seek recognition at the UN, and this could be an incredible opportunity for peace. Let us help you make it a reality.
While in the south of Israel's population lives in fear of rockets in Gaza Palestinians living under siege, trapped in a narrow strip of land. And in the West Bank people are dispossessed of the land occupied by illegal settlements, sufferers are stuck for hours on the way to hospitals by Israeli checkpoints and families separated by vast walls that cut in both their fields. But if the Palestinians win their bet at the UN for a state immediately, we could see the beginning of the end of 40 years of occupation and make way for two states, Palestine and Israel, that they can live side by side in peace and total security .
The U.S. and Israel are trying to blow up the UN vote and the attack on Gaza may be an attempt to shift the focus to appear unreliable and the Palestinians. But Europe has not yet made a decision and EU foreign ministers will meet in just 4 days. If we will hear now we can persuade Europe to vote "Yes" for peace and freedom. Click to flood those who try to sabotage this decision with our requests hopeful gathered in a huge petition and delivered through a five-story flag exposed out of the meeting of Ministers.
2) Spain, France, Germany and the United Kingdom have yet to decide. Use the topics above to write a message on the facebook pages of their leaders. copy the message below and click on the link below to paste them on their Facebook pages. (You have to put them in a reply to posts...you cannot write on their wall)
Mariano- Rajoy-Brey
William J Hague
3) and copy and paste this: As a concerned citizen, I ask you urgently to put you on the right side of history despite pressure from Israel and the U.S., and to support the Palestinian resolution to the General Assembly of the United Nations. This is the best path to peace and freedom that the public wants. Now is the time for Palestine.
Mentre a Gaza piovono bombe Palestinesi e Israeliani sono sul'orlo di un'altra spirale di violenza e vendette. Ma, proprio ora, l'Autorità palestinese sta per chiedere il riconoscimento all'ONU e questa potrebbe essere un'opportunità incredibile per la pace. Aiutiamoli a farla diventare realtà.
Mentre nel sud di Israele la popolazione vive nella paura dei razzi, a Gaza i palestinesi vivono sotto assedio, imprigionati in una striscia di terreno strettissima. E in Cisgiordania la gente viene espropriata della terra occupata da insediamenti illegali, i malati sono bloccati per ore nel percorso verso gli ospedali dai posti di blocco israeliani e le famiglie sono divise da enormi muri che tagliano in due i loro campi. Ma se i Palestinesi vinceranno la loro scommessa all'ONU per uno stato subito, potremmo assistere all'inizio della fine di 40 anni di occupazione e fare strada a due stati, Palestina e Israele, che possano vivere fianco a fianco in pace e totale sicurezza.
Gli USA e Israele stanno cercando di far saltare il voto all'ONU e l'attacco contro Gaza potrebbe essere un tentativo di spostare l'attenzione e di far apparire inaffidabili i palestinesi. Ma l'Europa non ha ancora preso una decisione e i ministri degli esteri europei si incontreranno tra soli 4 giorni. Se ci faremo sentire ora potremo convincere l'Europa a votare "Sì" per la pace e la libertà. Clicca per inondare chi cerca di sabotare questa decisione con le nostre richieste piene di speranza riunite in un'enorme petizione e consegnate attraverso una bandiera alta cinque piani esposta fuori dall'incontro dei ministri.
2) Spagna, Francia, Germania e il Regno Unito devono ancora decidere. Usa gli argomenti qui sopra per scrivere un messaggio sulle pagine facebook dei loro leader. O copia il messaggio sotto e clicca sui link qui sotto per incollarli sulle loro pagine:
William J Hague
3) In quanto cittadino preoccupato, vi chiedo urgentemente di mettervi dal lato giusto della storia nonostante la pressione di Israele e degli USA, e di sostenere la risoluzione palestinese all'Assemblea generale delle Nazioni Unite. Si tratta del miglior percorso verso la pace e la libertà che il pubblico vuole. Ora è il momento per la Palestina.
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Should you give your child a vaccine?
The Greater Good movie trailer
"To vaccinate or not? The Greater Good sheds light on the ever debatable topic of vaccines. What I particularly love about this film, apart from it’s fantastic production value and equitable conversation on both sides, is the way in which I was drawn into the heart-wrenching personal stories woven throughout the film. This film is a must watch for all of us - parents considering vaccinations, young women contemplating the HPV vaccine and even those of us still considering the annual flu shot! This is a contentious issue and one that needs a lot more attention, moving towards an egalitarian system where we have the right to decide what is best for us and our family." – James Colquhoun, Producer /
Director "Food Matters" and "Hungry For Change" If You Think You Know Everything About Vaccines... Think Again. THE GREATER GOOD is a multiple award winning documentary that goes beyond the fear, hype and politics that have polarized the vaccine debate. This compelling film looks at BOTH sides of the vaccine controversy and re-frames this emotionally charged issue. It offers, for the first time, the opportunity for a rational and scientific discussion on how to create a safer and more effective vaccine program. American children are now the most vaccinated population on the planet. One would think they would also be the healthiest, but consider these alarming statistics: according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1 in 6 children has a learning disability or behavioral problem, 1 in 9 children is asthmatic, 1 in 110 children suffers from autism, and 1 in 450 is diabetic.
Back in the 1980s, children were asked to get 23 doses of 7 different vaccines. By 2010, parents are being asked to give their children 69 doses of 16 vaccines. That’s triple the dose of those recommended in the 1980s.
The Greater Good explores this pressing question and sheds light on an issue that is already on the minds of expecting mothers and fathers, grandparents, doctors and healthcare professionals across the country. The film offers parents, doctors and policy-makers a safe space to actively listen to and learn more about vaccine choices.
"To vaccinate or not? The Greater Good sheds light on the ever debatable topic of vaccines. What I particularly love about this film, apart from it’s fantastic production value and equitable conversation on both sides, is the way in which I was drawn into the heart-wrenching personal stories woven throughout the film. This film is a must watch for all of us - parents considering vaccinations, young women contemplating the HPV vaccine and even those of us still considering the annual flu shot! This is a contentious issue and one that needs a lot more attention, moving towards an egalitarian system where we have the right to decide what is best for us and our family." – James Colquhoun, Producer /
Director "Food Matters" and "Hungry For Change" If You Think You Know Everything About Vaccines... Think Again. THE GREATER GOOD is a multiple award winning documentary that goes beyond the fear, hype and politics that have polarized the vaccine debate. This compelling film looks at BOTH sides of the vaccine controversy and re-frames this emotionally charged issue. It offers, for the first time, the opportunity for a rational and scientific discussion on how to create a safer and more effective vaccine program. American children are now the most vaccinated population on the planet. One would think they would also be the healthiest, but consider these alarming statistics: according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1 in 6 children has a learning disability or behavioral problem, 1 in 9 children is asthmatic, 1 in 110 children suffers from autism, and 1 in 450 is diabetic.
Back in the 1980s, children were asked to get 23 doses of 7 different vaccines. By 2010, parents are being asked to give their children 69 doses of 16 vaccines. That’s triple the dose of those recommended in the 1980s.
The Greater Good explores this pressing question and sheds light on an issue that is already on the minds of expecting mothers and fathers, grandparents, doctors and healthcare professionals across the country. The film offers parents, doctors and policy-makers a safe space to actively listen to and learn more about vaccine choices.
What You Will Learn:
- The differing views on vaccine safety from Doctors, Scientists, Activists and Policy Makers.
- The link between vaccines and chronic illnesses such as asthma, allergies, learning disabilities, behavioural problems, autism, unexplained infant death as well as autoimmune diseases such as diabetes, lupus, multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis.
- The connection between gut, immune and neurological issues seen in vaccine injuries.
- How vaccines are researched, reviewed and regulated and what your rights are.
- Ingredients in vaccinations that are a cause for concern about vaccine safety.
- First hand stories of three families dealing with the devastating effects of vaccines.
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Thursday, October 18, 2012
Compare: 1st presidential debate Kennedy: Nixon to todays
Point given: 1960 was the first presidential debate. It seems that the problems and concerns are still the same and the candidates still talk the same talk....WOW
Go Obama Go part of the debate: Libya
I must include this part of the debate: There is where Obama shows his true strength, the strength that we wanted for the entire four years. obama tells it like it is, and he won't put up with any more "stuff" from Romney. Romney continues to point fingers like it is a boxing match, rather than sharing with us his perspective on HOW he is going to make America come out from the gutter.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Bain Capitalism: A Time for Debate
Durban was headed back home to Illinois for a meeting with workers at the Sensata Technologies plant in Freeport, where 170 employees are slated to lose their jobs to outsourcing before the end of the year.
Sensata, which for decades has produced state-of-the-art sensors and controls for Ford and General Motors, is precisely the sort of high-tech operation that a country looking to compete in the global economy of the twenty-first century would want to maintain as a domestic manufacturer. So why are the jobs moving to China?...
Because Bain Capital owns the company, and Bain is committed to the industrial development of Chinese provinces—not to states like Illinois. That’s not what most Americans would identify as a smart choice for the nation’s future—let alone “economic patriotism.”
But that is how Bain, which got its operating ethos from former CEO Mitt Romney, operates. Romney still profits mightily from his Bain connection—as The New York Times and numerous business journals have well documented—and he remains closely tied to current Bain executives. So if anyone could get Bain to rethink the outsourcing of the Sensata jobs, it’s Mitt Romney.
Read more on the Nation
Friday, October 12, 2012
Susan Brannon
This part of the documentary reflects the lives of those in the factories abroad, Mexico, China, and other places in the world. This reflects how the Wal Mart System keeps not only those living in America in poverty, but creates and keeps those all over the world in utter poverty. The average pay is less than $3.00 a day. They charge for the "dorms" that the workers either chose to live in or not and their utilities and food consumption. After Wal Mart started their factories abroad, many other retail corporations and high tech companies transfered their factories abroad thus creating more poverty, reducing the jobs in America and in the end, created a Third World America.
This part of the documentary reflects the lives of those in the factories abroad, Mexico, China, and other places in the world. This reflects how the Wal Mart System keeps not only those living in America in poverty, but creates and keeps those all over the world in utter poverty. The average pay is less than $3.00 a day. They charge for the "dorms" that the workers either chose to live in or not and their utilities and food consumption. After Wal Mart started their factories abroad, many other retail corporations and high tech companies transfered their factories abroad thus creating more poverty, reducing the jobs in America and in the end, created a Third World America.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Wal Mart receives subsidies from our Governments
Susan Brannon
This is an older video about the effects of allowing a Wal Mart store in your neighborhood. Not only does Wal Mart cause small family businesses to close down and thousands of "better" jobs lost that provided medical and pension care. But they encourage their poverty workers to take advantage of the governments hand outs so they can "survive"; thus causing extra spending of our own tax dollars in aid for those who even work full time. But wait! There's more! Wal Mart has received millions of dollars in subsidies from local and state governments to put in their stores, while the 43 year old business down the street receives nothing.
So, what does Wal Mart do for America? (and I must say other large retail stores)
extra spending of our tax dollars
loss of better paying jobs in the communities
keeping people in poverty
discriminates against women
causes small businesses to close down
requests unpaid work time
closes American factories because they buy from China
more loss of jobs.
The squandering of the American Dream (for the non-corporate owner, that is)
So, let a new Wal Mart store come into your neighborhood today and receive all the benefits!
Oh and remember, Corporations are there to make a profit and this is capitalism so if you are a small business owner, it is your tough luck!
Prop 37 California: GMO Labeling: Vote YES Videos
Please share these videos with all people that you know and care about...It's your life
Agent Orange is Harmless: Vote YES prop 37
Agent Orange is harmless just like cigarettes and DDT are harmless, and...so are GMO foods harmless...so, why is Monsanto fighting so hard with 35 million in advertising to get voters to vote NO on Prop 37 in California? Watch and share this video with the people in our country.
Vote YES Prop 37 for Californian's
Okay, I understand that not everyone lives in California BUT, it also involves ALL of America. If we can get everyone in California to VOTE YES on Prop 37, then the other states will hopefully follow..??? This video is full of famous folks who decided to stand against GMO food products and stand for the labeling of GMO products. Please watch and share
Friday, October 5, 2012
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Project Clover Leaf: Chemtrails Government Interview Part 4/5
This is part 4 of 5 this video interview:
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Monday, October 1, 2012
Project Clover Leaf - Chemtrail Government Program
I am a bit slow and learning about things here and there. I stumbled on the subject of chemtrails. Once I started looking at images of this, I realized that I have also seen this in my skys of Oregon. I love my country and am saddened by what I am learning that is changing for all Americans. Now, many rub things off as "conspiracy theories" to indicate that those who report or think of these things are "loonies". In order to protect the people and our freedom, we must always be aware of what is going on around us and spend the time to research any issue that comes your way. Don't just believe things because the "news" or our government says that it is so.
Here is a video of an interview with someone who worked for the government and felt that it was time to reveal some truths...he also loves America. If we love America, then we all must stand up for all of our rights, to our security and safety...in all aspects.
Here is a video of an interview with someone who worked for the government and felt that it was time to reveal some truths...he also loves America. If we love America, then we all must stand up for all of our rights, to our security and safety...in all aspects.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Thursday, August 2, 2012
After The War: Monsanto to get immunity from the law: video
Please click on the link below to watch this very important Video/report on the "After The War" Blog, regarding Monsanto and our nations Food Security
After The War: Monsanto to get immunity from the law: video
After The War: Monsanto to get immunity from the law: video
After The War: The Worst Farm Bill in History
Please click on the link below to read this very important article on the "After The War" Blog, regarding Monsanto and our nations Food Security
After The War: The Worst Farm Bill in History
After The War: The Worst Farm Bill in History
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Through the lens: Nikon Repair Parts Petition for USA
Through the lens: Nikon Repair Parts Petition for USA
This is vital folks. Nikon wants to stop selling Nikon camera parts to small mom and pop camera repair shops and would rather have the camera folks, send their cameras to Nikon for repair.
This is vital folks. Nikon wants to stop selling Nikon camera parts to small mom and pop camera repair shops and would rather have the camera folks, send their cameras to Nikon for repair.
Friday, May 18, 2012
crossing borders project: Crossing Borders Book in Digital!
Finally the book is in digital! All about the West Bank
crossing borders project: Crossing Borders Book in Digital!
crossing borders project: Crossing Borders Book in Digital!
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
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